Sunday, February 22, 2009

I am sitting at my computer writing another entry. I spent the whole day doing my income tax as well as my wifes and sons, and submitting them by phone. I was planning on getting to my camp to check for damage from the snow or little furry creatures or heaven forbid, big 2 legged creatures. I walked to the entry road this morning with my 2 dogs but did not go all the way. One of my dogs still has a bandaged foot from an injury 6 weeks ago. Hopefully he will be fully mobile when the bandages come off on Tues and I will then be able to snowshoe in. If we get another storm tonite and tomorrow, this could further delay the trip.. I plan on taking some pics to post here ,if I can figure out how to do it. I am not very pc literate, but am slowly learning. I guess trying things like this helps!! Till next time, Casey

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